Sensitive skin can indeed react adversely to harsh or irritating ingredients commonly found in some brightening agents, such as strong acids or certain botanical extracts, which may lead to irritation, redness, or dryness. However, there is good news for those with sensitive skin:

The Solution for Sensitive Skin

Finding the right brightening serum tailored for sensitive skin can make all the difference. Here’s how:

Gentle Formulations: Look for serums specifically designed for sensitive skin. These formulations often include soothing ingredients like ceramide, squalane, or bisabolol to minimize the risk of irritation.

Tranexamic Acid Benefits: Consider serums containing gentle brightening agents like tranexamic acid. Tranexamic acid is known for its ability to even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots without causing significant irritation.

Safety First: Always conduct a patch test before applying any new product to your face. This simple step helps you assess how your skin will react and ensures you avoid potential adverse effects.

Effective Yet Mild: Hyperion Tranexamic Acid Serum 3%

Hyperion Tranexamic Acid Serum 3% offers the benefits of tranexamic acid in a gentle formulation. It helps brighten skin tone and reduce pigmentation while being less likely to cause irritation compared to stronger acids or harsh botanical extracts.

The formula also includes hyaluronic acid and Provitamin B5, enhancing moisturizing and soothing effects for the skin, making it suitable even for sensitive skin.