How Often To Change Skin Care RoutineYou think a whole lot about the other stuff that goes into your body, but how much do you give it about what gets put on your body? Maybe you’ve heard of organic skincare products and wondered if an organic skincare product is worth it. Check out our guide to determine if an organic skincare product is a suitable choice for you.

For example, if you find that your face is breaking out while you’re using a new cleanser, it’s probably a sign that your skin isn’t reacting well to the product, and you should try something else. However, if your routine seems to be working fine, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to change it up.

Most experts agree that if you’re using the same products on your face every day, every week, every month—you should think about changing things up once in a while.

If you’re still worried about changing too much or don’t know where to start, try noting which products are running low first and replacing those first. You can always switch things up again when you run out of the other products in your routine!

Of course, what you do with your skin is really up to you. But if you’re interested in adding organic skincare products to your skincare routine, here are some factors to ‘How Often To Change Skin Care Routine’.

Top 8 Factors to Consider to Change Skincare Routine

By constantly replacing your skincare products, you cause your skin to stop responding to them. When you consistently use the same skincare product repeatedly, you’re giving your skin time to adjust, time to heal, and time to renew itself. Think of it as a reward system for your face!

1. Start With a Clean Slate

Organic skincare products are great for your skin, but how often do you need to change your routine? When you’ve been using the same products for a long time and suddenly stop, your skin will do some adjusting.

For example, if you have a cleanser that contains salicylic acid, your skin might overcompensate by producing too much oil for the time being. If you have acne-fighting ingredients in your face lotion, your skin might overreact by breaking out more until it gets used to them being gone.

And if you’re used to using moisturizers with SPF daily, it may seem like your skin gets sunburned whenever you don’t wear sunscreen for a few days after stopping those routines.

So when we change our practices, our skin does too—and that’s okay! It just means that it’ll take some time before we can see the full effects of our new routine.

Depending on what changes we make, it might take anywhere from two weeks up to two months before something new really “sticks” and becomes part of our new routine—and even then, there’s no guarantee that it’ll work flawlessly every day.

2. Check the Weather

One of the easiest ways to get out of a skincare routine is not to see the results you want. If your skin doesn’t feel tighter or look less tired or dull, then you might be inclined to stop doing the routine altogether. But, if only it were always that easy!

A great way to track whether your skincare routine is making a difference is by monitoring how often you change your routine. You can choose to change up your moisturizer or sunscreen every two weeks and track how it affects you during that period.

Or, if you have a different skin concern that needs longer to show improvement, try a new treatment every 3 months and see how that works for you.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s skin changes over time, so this isn’t something set in stone—it’s more of an easy way to gauge your progress and know when it’s time for a change.

3. Use Hydration as a Guide

Whether you’re using a two-step or a five-step routine, it’s important to remember that consistency is critical. The best way to prevent over-exfoliation is by listening to your skin.

It will tell you what it needs by drying out and getting irritated when you’ve been too aggressive with your exfoliation or getting oily when you haven’t been exfoliating enough.

In addition, if your skin isn’t used to a particular product, you may notice an increase in breakouts before your skin acclimates to it

In general, most people should exfoliate twice a week unless they have extremely dry or sensitive skin, in which case they should stick to once every other week.

If you’re using a physical exfoliant (like a scrub) and have sensitive skin, keep the exfoliation down to once a week—you don’t want to risk damaging your skin by overdoing it!

4. Listen To Your Skin

Your skin will always be the first indicator of what you should do next. If you’re feeling dry and flaky, it’s time for an oil-based moisturizer.

If you’re breaking out left and right, it’s time to switch up your routine. If you develop a rash from a new product, it may just be that your body has developed an allergic reaction to it. Listen to your skin; if something seems off, try changing something in your routine.

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5. Consider The Products You're Using and Their Active Ingredients

Not only is the active ingredient in a product essential, but how often you use it is also key to its effectiveness. Many people who use a daily cleanser and moisturizer don’t think to change their routine because they feel like it must be working since they are using something every day. But this isn’t always the case.

Skincare experts generally recommend changing up your routine every 3 months. This allows your skin to respond to new products and prevents overusing products that could cause irritation or other issues.

Choose your following skincare routine based on the products you’re using. Do you have dry or oily skin? Do you have any redness or other specific concerns? Use that information to help guide your purchase. The more specific you can be with what you need from your skincare routine, the more effective it will be for you.

6. Do You Mix And Match Products?

The best way to determine whether you’re using too many products or not enough is to pay attention to your skin: If it feels dry, add more moisturizer; if it feels oily, switch to a different cleanser; if it’s breaking out like crazy, try switching up your routine. Use this guide and your common sense to get the most out of your skincare regimen.

7. How Is Your Skin Responding To The Current Routine?

This is a question that can only be answered on a personal level. While it might seem like there’s an objectively correct answer to how long you should keep using your skincare routine before you switch up, the reality is that no single solution will apply to everyone. Everyone’s skin and skincare formulation are different and require different considerations.

Over time, your skin will probably become more sensitive—this is simply part of aging and happens as your body gets used to things. So be sure to take breaks now and again, just in case the problem isn’t that your routine has run its course but that some of the products in it have become too harsh for your skin.

8. Change Routine Every Three Months

There’s a common idea in the beauty world that skincare routines should be changed every three months. The logic behind this is that skincare products are designed to treat individual problems, and it makes sense to throw out your routine and start over when those problems change.

However, most skincare issues have a longer lifespan than three months. For example, if you have acne-prone skin, you need to keep up with acne treatments even after the acne has cleared up because acne tends to come back fast and furious if you don’t stay vigilant.

Another problem with changing your routine every three months is that it can become expensive—skincare products tend to get more costly as you move from one step in your training to the next.

Final Thoughts

There is no clear-cut answer about how frequently one should change their skincare routine. However, many things can be considered when deciding how often they should update their regimen.

First and foremost, the individual desires their skin to be a certain way. Everything else falls in line from there. In other words, please do not change your skincare routine because someone else told you that you should be changing it.

The market is full of different organic skincare products, so there’s plenty to choose from, depending on your requirements. Change it because YOU feel it is no longer doing what is desired for your skin.

I hope this article answered how often to change your skincare routine. It is recommended never to go three days between a changes of products; this will not do any good for the skin and will only create opportunities for breakouts. Alteration of the skincare routine should be done once a week.